Follow Your Orthodontist’s Halloween Advice!

The reason sugar is so dangerous for our oral health is that harmful oral bacteria love eating it.

They love eating it as much as we do, and then they excrete acid onto our teeth. Tooth enamel might be the strongest substance in the human body, but even weak acids can erode it, which is why dentists and orthodontists encourage us to avoid sour, sticky, and hard Halloween candy.

Candy Don’ts

These candies are especially dangerous for braces-wearers. All it takes is one crunch against a hard candy to pop off a bracket, and sticky candy can pull brackets loose (or, at best, the remnants can be very annoying to clean out).

Candy Dos (Yes, They Exist!)

Are there any candies the orthodontist approves of? How about chocolate? It contains compounds that slow tooth decay, limit oral bacteria, and fight bad breath. However, these polyphenols and flavonoids don’t outweigh the effects of sugar, which is why dentists are bigger fans of dark chocolate than milk chocolate. With braces, though, it’s a good idea to avoid chocolate that contains chunks of nuts, because those could still pop a bracket off.

Xylitol: The Non-Sugar Superstar

Any candy sweetened by xylitol instead of sugar is definitely better for teeth. Xylitol actually hurts oral bacteria. These candies aren’t super common in 2024, but hopefully that will change!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.